Friday, April 24, 2009

Symbolism by Brianna Hungerford


In a story, symbolism is when there is an object or person that stands for something or greater purpose. It could be a person symbolizing respect or an animal smbolizing pride.

In the novel
To Kill A Mockingbird, Jem and Scout both recieve air riffles for Christmas from an uncle. When Jem wishes to go outside to try it out, Atticus requires him to only shoot at cans and not at Mockingbirds. When Miss Maudie heard of this, she explained to the children that the Mockingbirds were innocent creatures and did nothing for us but make beautiful music. In this scenario and according to Miss Maudie, the bird represents innocence and beauty. As well, in Tom Robinson's case, he was an innocent man who did nothing but hard work but he was still marked as guilty and was eventually shot and killed even though he was an innocent man.

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